
Word to epub converter mac
Word to epub converter mac

word to epub converter mac

If you are using different versions of the software, some of the instructions and screenshots will be slightly different, but hopefully you can find the right feature in your software version. The screenshots shown in the tutorial use Microsoft Word 20 for Windows, Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac OSX, and Calibre 1.29.0 for Mac OSX and 1.29.0 for Windows. The Amazon Kindle supports the Mobi format. The ePub format is readable by: the Kobo eReader, the Blackberry Playbook, the Barnes and Noble Nook, Sony eReaders, various Android and Linux devices, and many others. This basic tutorial will offer you some guidance on how to prepare your Microsoft Word file for export to the ePub format, and how to use Calibre to convert your ePub file to the Mobi format.

Word to epub converter mac